Wednesday 25 January 2017

Gareth Southgate right man England

Southgate the right man for England

From Under 21 coach to national team coach this is a big step to take for ex-England footballer, Gareth Southgate. Having said that, he has had some success from managing the young guns, guiding them to the final of the 2015 Under 21 European Championships.  

The Premier League is producing some fine young talent such as Dele Ali and Harry Kane. The question now is will these players can form a good partnership with Southgate and can Southgate himself use his experience of playing and managing in international tournament football to guide them to achieving success for the country in major tournaments?

Another factor in which both Gareth and the FA need to think about is the future of the current captain Wayne Rooney. Should he stand down as captain, is his international career about to end? I believe he still has one has one last World Cup in him even though he will be 33 years old, and I see no reason why he shouldn’t be in the squad especially if he’s fit enough to play as he is England’s most experienced player.   

There is no doubt that Southgate’s mental toughness will be tested, especially at the 2018 World Cup in Russia, should England qualify. Having said that, I think Southgate is the ideal replacement for Sam Allardyce as he knows most of the players inside out as a lot of them had been playing for him in the U21s for example, Harry Kane who has so far featured both in the Euros and U21 Championships. I hope that Southgate continues to look for fresh young players and especially the ones who are hungry and want to represent their country by preforming to the best of their ability. I would say that Southgate is a confident man who knows what he’s doing and therefore he’s the right man for the job in my opinion.

Having watched pretty much all of England’s games under Roy Hodgson, I think that England’s style of play was too vague in the sense that they didn’t seem to have a clear game plan, especially when it came to the international tournaments as they weren’t decisive enough with their passing and needlessly kept losing possession of the ball. What I want to see from Southgate’s England is some bravery and up the tempo of the way they pass the ball. I also want to see some more solidity in the midfield in which I felt was lacking during the Euros especially when were humiliated by Iceland. It all about having a good balance between attacking and defending and if Gareth can help us with this, I’m sure that we will become a better team and especially in major tournaments.Only time will tell as to whether Southgate is the right manager for England, can he handle the pressure of leading his country, I’m sure he can.            

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