Thursday 12 October 2017

Harry Weinstein story

Harvey Weinstein Story

The Harvey Weinstein story has developed a great interest to viewers as he has been accused by US actress Rose McGowan for a sexual assault incident on her.

However Weinstein has denied allegations of non-consensual sexual activity on McGowan.

The fact that the New York police and Scotland Yard are now reopening an investigation to see if he was involved in a similar case in 2004 is intriguing, especially with the story having already started a week ago.

On the other hand, statements from Weinstein's lawyers say that he denies sexually assaulting anyone.
However, due to police investigations and Oscar's bosses taking action against him, it may be difficult to receive a second chance, therefore he started counselling sessions in order to prove himself mentally stable to the police.

Cara Delevingne also shared claims for meeting Weinstein at a hotel in order to discuss about a role in an upcoming film but she claimed that Weinstein was apparently speaking about sex and asked her to go to his room.

Weinstein felt guilty for his actions and issued an apology statement 'I acted inappropriately and sincerely apologise.

The question is, will he be able to prove himself innocent in this case ?  
The story is still to be continued..

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