Monday 26 February 2018

Football Beyond Boarders

Football Beyond Boarders

Football Beyond Boarders is a national organisation which helps transform the lives of schoolchildren according to their education. Many students in schools across the Uk have stated that their level of education has increased since the introduction of FBB, especially for those who have studied in backgrounds that have limited opportunities for education.

Who would of thought that football could actually improve young people's lives, especially in terms of their education?

On 21st February I was part of a group from the BA (Hons) Sports Journalism course at London College of Communication that interviewed students from Elmgreen School about how FBB has enabled them to progress in the education. A number of them spoke about FBB improving their social life by making more friends and improving their self-esteem in terms of showing people their true identity through sports participation

We talk about football being the most popular sport globally but how it improves young people's lives is an interesting query. Although, having said that, football is a sport which requires team work and more importantly leadership skills, which is another crucial aspect of education.

It's good for schools and universities to get a chance to collaborate with each other for projects like these, it gives you a sense of what it's like as an individual in the world of education and football combined. The fact that students and their education are benefitting from FBB is incredible becuase generally football is more of a social activity and so you wouldn't really define it with education, but FBB have proved us wrong as students are giving us positive feedback on their development of education through football. 

“It’s different from being a participant and it’s helped me massively because as a participant you’re the one that gets taught, but if you’re doing work experience you’re the one teaching. So it’s like you swap roles. Now I feel more confident to speak to younger people,”

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